This video pretty much explains exactly how I feel right now. Simply amazing.
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Please Cutty Come Back
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Bye Bye Buehrle
Well, it is official, Mark Buehrle is no longer a White Sox. Buehrle just signed a 4 year $56 million with Miami Marlins. It is not surprising though. We all knew he was gone after last season and that he wanted to go to
Here are a few photos and videos that explain Buehrle's awesomeness...
Monday, November 21, 2011
In Hanie We Trust
Everything was fantastic. Jay had just played a great game, the Bears had won their 5th
game in a row and frankly looked as good as any team in the NFL not
name the Green Bay Packers. And then it happens, I check my twitter and
it is just filled with reports that Cutler has broken the thumb on his
throwing hand and may be out for the season. This sucks, the season is
Or is it…
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
The 2011 Adam Dunn Highlight Reel
I can't believe this is even 13 seconds long. Well, no worries White Sox fans, I'm sure Robin Ventura with his 0 days of managing experience will have Adam Dunn crushing 40 home runs next year.
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Taiwan Breaks Down the NBA Lockout
God bless the people of
Taiwan (yes, I assume the entire country made this video) and their amazing informational videos. I thought I had a pretty good grasp on what was going on with
the NBA lockout, but this video really helped me understand some crucial
aspects of what is really going on. Here are the most important things I
learned from this video that I didn’t already know about the lockout.
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Jay Cutler's Crazy Pink Pants Swag
Oh, alright, cue all the Cutler haters. Look at that moron. He is back together with that reality whore Kristen Cavalari (when we all know he should be dating LC instead) and he is wearing totally "gay" pink pants. He should be practicing instead of wearing pink pants in public. Worst quarterback ever.
Well not so fast my friends.
Posted by
6:21 PM
Dancing with the Stars,
Jay Cutler,
Kristin Cavallari,
Pink Pants

Monday, October 3, 2011
That's right. You come down to Champaign and you are gonna get kneed in the groin and sent home with a loss. One game suspension...well worth it. I-L-L
Posted by
3:10 PM
Jonathan Brown,

Marion Barber Flips on his Face
when the Bears win, they screw up something and in this case it is the
celebration. In case you didn’t notice Marion Barber decided it was an
awesome idea to do a back flip after he scored a touchdown in the Bears
34-29 victory over the Panthers on Sunday. Well, it might have been an
even more awesome idea if Marion Barber could do a back flip. Check out the
video after the jump to see what I mean.
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Vaya Con Dios Ozzie
that was one crazy ride. For those of you that haven’t heard, Ozzie
Guillen has been traded to the Florida Marlins for two minor leaguers,
ending the most entertaining managerial reign in Chicago baseball
history. I’m pretty sure that is an indisputable fact. He gave us 2
division titles, 1 AL Pennant, 1 World Series title, about 100 crazy
news stories, and about 1,000 insane unintelligible quotes. I don’t
know another manager that put up numbers like that.
Don’t call it a comeback, I’ve been here for … eh … um … months.
it’s been awhile but I think it’s time for this blog to revived. My
tens of fans have been clamoring for the blog to come back and I can’t
let them down. I’ll figure out a way to keep the blog rolling while
actually having a full time job (I’m not, not writing this blog at work
and emailing it to myself). Instead of a few posts a day, like in the
glory days, it’s going to be a few posts a week.
Monday, May 23, 2011
Garrett Wolfe is Keeping Busy During the Lock Out Free-agent running back Garrett Wolfe, who played for the Bears the last four seasons, was arrested early Sunday in Miami Beach after he refused to pay a bill of nearly $1,600 at a local nightclub, police said.
Wolfe, 26, has been charged with retail theft over $300, assaulting a police officer, resisting arrest with violence and disorderly conduct, according to Miami-Dade County booking information. He was being held on $11,500 bond and, according to county records, was still in custody Sunday evening.
Apparently Garrett Wolfe has taken his talents to South Beach. We have heard this story before, local sports star, plays for the local pro team, decides to go down to Miami and all of a sudden everybody is out to get him. Haters gonna hate.
P.S. - That would be a top notch celebrity mugshot, if anybody outside of Chicago knew who Garrett Wolfe was.
Chicago, We Might Have a Problem
That game last night scared me. Not because of the final score or even that now the Bulls are down 2-1 in the series. What scared me was how much that game reminded me of game two. The Heat smothered the Bulls defensively in game two and the Bulls didn’t appear to have an answer for it in game three either. It’s the same stuff they have been seeing since the Indiana series, doubling Rose high off the pick and roll and making him give up the ball early so the other players have to make plays. The difference is that that Heat are faster, quicker and just flat out, better at doing it, than either the Hawks or the Pacers.
Tom Brady Looks Ridiculous...Again
It has been getting harder and harder to be the #1 Tom Brady fan in Chicago and this picture certainly isn’t helping at all. What are you doing here, Tom? You look like a fool. I mean if you insist on riding a water slide during the lockout, at least lay down on it so you can go as fast as possible. What’s the point of a water slide anyway if you are just gonna sit up and go slow? You might as well have just stayed in the lazy river.
Saturday, May 21, 2011
R.I.P. Macho Man Randy Savage
Great wrestler, great outfits, great mic skills and great Slim Jim spokesman. Oooooh yeeeaaaahhhh...Macho Man, you will be missed. I hope you and Miss Elizabeth are together in that big squared circle in the sky.
Carlos Boozer is as Bad at Rapping as Playing Defense
"Mic check 1-2-1-2, mic check 1-2-1-2.
Mic check 1-2-1-2, mic check 1-2-1-2.
Dream, believe it, do it...let's go,
Already know I cross 'em over, take 'em to the hole.
Look back, thank God, look forward trust God.
That's why when I'm in the paint, you know I go hard.
Might go baseline one time in the future,
Run back down the court, like you know it was Boozer.
I used to be another lil' fella with some hoop dreams,
Now I got the game laced up...shoestrings."
They aren't saying Boooooooozer, they are just booing. This is just terrible and only accentuated by the fact that, Twista raps after him, and Twista can know...rap. At least he closed with his best line, so that you might forget the rest of the crap before it.
Monday, May 16, 2011
Hawks Have Gone Fishin'
I know it's a little late for this "Gone Fishin'" picture, but last night was the first TNT game since the Hawks were eliminated. And since I said that I would post all of these for each team the Bulls eliminated, and people seem to like it, here it is. So is the dude from the Hangover and The Office from Atlanta? I know Cee-Lo is and that is how he got to go fishing with the Hawks.
P.S. - Do NBA players actually go fishing after the season? I was always under the impression that they went to Vegas with their boys.
Get Me This Taj Gibson Poster
WOW!!! Somebody get me this Taj Gibson poster with the quickness. I did not know that Taj had that in him, let alone to do it twice. It's like Taj Gibson turned into Blake Griffin and just decided to throw down two of the most epic dunks I have ever seen. Those dunk were so ridiculous that people aren't even talking about Ronnie Brewer's dunk on Chris Bosh, and that was serious dunk.
Posted by
9:00 PM
Chris Bosh,
Dwayne Wade,
Ronnie Brewer,
Taj Gibson

Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Get Ready for Game 5 with Yung Berg's "Derrick Rose"
Ok, so it's not the greatest song ever, but it's pretty awesome that a "real"(note I didn't say good) rapper made a song called "Derrick Rose". I mean this song isn't good, but it's says a lot about how much I like Derrick Rose, that I have listened to this thing 3 times, and will probably find "Bitch I'm ballin' like Derrick Rose...Derrick Rose...Derrick Rose" rolling through my head during the game tonight. And it is kind bad ass that they put in a sample from the Derrick Rose interview (3:15 into the video), where he asked why he couldn't win the MVP.
It's time for the Bulls to stop dicking around, they got a must win game tonight. Let's do this.
Monday, May 9, 2011
I'm Starting to Question Wisconsin's YouTube Music Video Skills After Seeing this Brewers Rap
As I've blogged about before, people in Wisconsin love to make YouTube music videos about their sports teams, and I have always thought they were the best at it. It was starting to become one of their things like beer, brats, cheese and driving slow. But now Keith and his Brewers Rap has to go and ruin everything that the good old state of Wisconsin has built up during these last few years. I'm going to need to see at least two more videos of "Teach Me How to Bucky" quality to forgive Wisconsin, for this abomination.
P.S. - Prince is around for one more year, so yeah it's time to fear the beer.
Lakers Have Gone Fishin'
My original plan going into the playoffs, was to reserve "Gone Fishin'" posts for teams the Bulls had eliminated, but I felt like I had to make an exception for the Lakers. When the two time defending champs, who had been to finals the last 3 years, get swept out of the playoffs, and act like punks in the process, you have to celebrate their exit from the playoffs.
Posted by
6:53 PM
Andrew Bynum,
Gone Fishin',
JJ Barea,
Lamar Odom,

Saturday, May 7, 2011
Now That's a Home Run Trot
David Price just showed all those power hitters how it's done right here. This home run trot has it all; a bat flip, two cart wheels, a slide into third, and "the front flip-roll, with the shooter fingers". Then top that all off with totally leaving the guy hanging on the high five at home. Just perfect.
Calm Down, Derrick's Got This
That was the Bulls team that won 62 games this year. That was the Bulls team that has the MVP and the best defense in the league. That was the Bulls teams that I watched all year and thought could win the NBA championship.
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
The White Sox Really Really Suck
The White Sox are garbage and that game was an absolute embarrassment. I know Francisco Liriano has some good stuff, but he has 6.61 ERA and just no-hit the Sox for not only, his first no-hitter at any level, but his first complete game at any level. Oh yeah, and he only threw 66 strikes out of 123 pitches resulting in 6 walks and only 2 strikeouts. Ridiculous. At least they had a fitting craptastic announcing team of sick Steve Stone and Mike Huff to call the game. Somebody better go check on Hawk, to see if he's alive.
P.S. - I think I just stopped believin'.
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Bears Draft Recap: Actually Not Terrible
Wait, did the Bears actually just make a couple draft picks that made perfect sense? I guess it is a little easier when you have 1st and 2nd round draft picks for a change. Their draft wasn't perfect (and I'm not taking into account that they were too stupid to actually notify the league that they had agreed to a trade with the Ravens...good luck ever trading with them again), but it definitely looks like they got a couple players that can have a big impact on the team for years to come.
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Pacers Have Gone Fishin'
You gotta love the TNT "Gone Fishin" pictures and you gotta love the Pacers effort in that series. They just tried so darn hard and were able to get one whole win in a game in which Derrick Rose got hurt. God bless them. Indy fans shouldn't get too excited about their team's future after this though. I know the Pacers have some good young players and some cap room, but they play in Indianapolis and no big star is taking the money to go to Indy. So they are gonna have to overpay for a pretty good player and then be stuck in NBA hell (too good to get a good draft pick, too bad to win anything) for the next five years.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Big Mistake: Jay Cutler and Kristin Cavallari Got Engaged
Over the weekend Jay Cutler got engaged to reality TV "star" Kristin Cavallari. I guess he popped the question when they were are on vacation in Cabo or something, but it doesn't really matter. What does matter is that this is really the first time I have ever questioned Jay Cutler.
Monday, April 25, 2011
Tony Larussa's Eye Is Totally Fucked Up
I mean there is no nice way to say this, Tony Larussa's eye is just totally fucked up. I guess he has like super pink eye or something, but I don't really care what it is because I can't even look at him. If I saw him on the El, I would run as fast as I could to the other side of the car. He kind of looks like he should be the bad guy in the next 007 movie or something.
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Throwing Back a Home Run at Wrigley...FAIL
Hey bro, if you know you throw like fucking Bret Saberhagen, you might want to check if someone is standing right next to you before you try to sidearm that shit back onto the field. But really it's not his fault that the Cubs have that stupid tradition of throwing opposing teams' home runs back on the field. I never understood it at all. It's not like Albert Pujols sees them throw it back and is all, "Gosh dang it, I hit the ball out of the park, why did those jerks throw it back", and gets rattled for the rest of the game. It doesn't do anything but make Cubs fans have to give back there once in a lifetime home run ball.
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Bears 2011 Schedule Is Out, and I Love It
Everybody is saying the Bears have a tough schedule, but I disagree, this schedule is perfect. People are sleeping on the lockout and the possibility that this season isn't gonna start on time. Which means those three tough games to start the year, (vs Atlanta, @New Orleans, vs Green Bay) probably aren't gonna happen. Oh yeah, and the Bears are also a "road team" in England, against the Bucs, which is really a neutral site.
Nicki Minaj Giving a Nashty Lap Dance
If anybody really needs Nicki Minaj's comically gigantic ass in his face, it's Steve Nash (or me). I mean A'mare left him all alone in Phoenix, he missed the playoffs, and he got divorced a month ago. Oh, and the reason he got divorced was because his wife gave birth to his (now former) teammate, Jason Richardson's baby. Which he didn't know about until he saw the baby for the first time, and let's just say, it didn't really look like him. So yeah, Steve Nash deserves this lap dance, and many more.
Monday, April 18, 2011
Reds Pitcher Mike Leake Got Caught Stealing
TheBigLead - The Cincinnati Reds pitcher was arrested this afternoon for allegedly stealing from Macy’s. According to the Cincinnati Enquirer, “Leake, of Ludlow, was arrested after Macy’s department store loss prevention employees stopped the Reds pitcher today after they say he took $59.88 in property from the store. Police said the incident was caught on security cameras.” [UPDATE: American Rag t-shirts. That's weak.] You’re obviously curious what Leake – the team’s No. 1 draft pick in 2009, who is 2-0 this year – makes, right? The answer: $425,000.
This Hit Sums Up the Blackhawks' Playoffs Nicely
I don't care if this was a penalty, it is the perfect representation of this Canucks vs Blackhawks series. Raffi Torres just erased Brent Seabrook and in one more game the Canucks will erase the Blackhawks from the playoffs. At least after their next game I (and the rest of the Chicago) can stop pretending to care about hockey.
Friday, April 15, 2011
Derrick Rose Looks Presidential As Fuck
Just look at our boy D-Rose up there. If that doesn't look like our next President, I don't know what does. Really a questionable move by Obama inviting Derrick to the fundraiser. I mean he just unknowingly launched the Derrick Rose presidential campaign. Think about it, NBA MVP, Finals MVP, and President of the United States of America just seems like a natural progression to me. D-ROSE 2012!!!
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Good News and Bad News
Good news everybody, I got a real job. Bad news too, I got a real job. Which mean I'm not going to be able to spend most of my day dicking around on the internet and trying to find stuff to post on the blog. It sucks, but unless this blog starts paying bills, it's the way it has to be.
But don't worry because ChicagBro Sports ain't going anywhere. It might be a little different, but it's not going anywhere. Will there be less posts during the week? Yes. But, will there be more posts at night and on the weekends? Yes.
So keep checking out the blog and if you want updates on when new stuff gets posted you can follow me on twitter @ChicagBroSteve or "like" ChicagBro Sports on Facebook and get all the updates. Thanks for your support so far, let's see where this thing goes.
P.S. - If you have any tips or if you feel like you might want to write some blog posts (especially if you are a Cubs or Blackhawks fan , since I'm not) email me at
ChicagBro Sports NBA Awards for 2010-2011 Season
The NBA regular season is over and the playoffs start Saturday, but before we get to the playoffs, we have regular season awards to hand out. Now I could wait for the actual awards to get handed out by the league, but that is no fun, and they will probably screw up something. So let's get at it.
The French Canadian Gus Johnson Kills This Hockey Call
That's right, two days, two hockey posts. I mean this one has nothing to do with the NHL or the Blackhawks losing last night, but it is still about hockey. Our guy Gus Johnson would be proud of this call. I mean sure it's only junior hockey, sure his French Canadian accent is terrible and sure it sounds like he is going through puberty, but Gus would be proud of this guy's emotion.
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Patrick Kane's Playoff Mullet Is Back
That's right, this post is kind of about hockey. My favorite part of the Hawks' championship run last year was Kaner's playoff mullet and it's back. Really, how could it not be back? He can't grow a playoff beard and that sweet, striped mullet brought the team good luck last year. And they are going to need that luck this year, because it looks like Vancouver is ready to knock off the Blackhawks after losing to them in the playoffs the last two years. As a non-hockey fan I'm pulling for the Hawks this year for all the fans in the city, and for another round of drunken Kaner stories that would come out if the Hawks can pull off an unlikely repeat. Here is some video of Kaner and his new mullet below.
Derrick Rose Held a Personal Dunk Contest Last Night
The Bulls and Knicks were playing a close game last night until the Bulls decided they didn't want the game to be close anymore. The Bulls came out in the second half, went on a 26-2 run and won the game easily 103-90. No big surprise. I just want the playoffs to start now, and the Bulls to be totally healthy when they start. At least Derrick made the game interesting by holding his own, personal slam dunk contest. Check out all the dunks below.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Dancing White Sox Fan Shows Off His Giant Gut
Thanks to Guyism
Way to keep the stereotype alive bro. I'm trying to fight the good fight and prove that White Sox fans aren't white trash and then Shrek over here has to put on a Gordon Beckham crop top and dance around with his giant gut hanging out. My argument has just been shattered by this video and I don't even know if I have one left. Not to mention, I'm pretty sure that the White Sox lost last night because this guy's gut blinded Juan Pierre and made him drop that fly ball in the ninth.
Monday, April 11, 2011
The Masters Was Ridiculously Awesome
The Masters yesterday was amazing and that's saying a lot coming from me. I'm not some kind of golf super fan. I'm a terrible golfer who only watches golf on TV for three different reasons; it's Sunday at the Masters and Tiger is in the mix, it's the last day of the Ryder Cup (because I love watching the USA take on an entire continent), and the third is if it is windy as fuck at the British Open and I get to see professional golfers look like fools (and throw in the bonus of ridiculous 140 foot putts if its on a links course). So I got a treat yesterday when I saw that Tiger was tearing it up on the front nine.
Indestructible Pirates Fan Gets Beaten and Tasered Three Times
USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! There is nothing better than a good USA chant. Well except watching this beast of a man take a tasering like nobody ever has before. Just mocking the cop and doing a fake "I'm being electrocuted" shake right in his face. Then the cop cracks him in the neck with a billy club and he doesn't even flinch. I counted three taser shots and and multiple shots from the billy club, and I think this guy could have taken way more. I think he was just bored, so he decided to go down.
Friday, April 8, 2011
ChicagBro of the Week: Carlos Quentin
TCQ has just killed it so far this season. AL Player of the Week in week one and he is batting .458 with two home runs and 10 RBI in the first six games. That makes Carlos Quentin the ChicagBro of the Week. If Quentin has a big year, that lineup is going to be terrifying and the White Sox have a good chance of going to the playoffs. Keep it up Quper Man.
So That's What You Use a Pube Gun For
I really hope that dude deserved that and they were getting him back for something, because getting shot in the face by a pube cannon would really ruin your night of sleep. I mean if they weren't getting back at him for something that was a real dick move. Dude made it to his bed, and it's just bad fucking with drunk people etiquette, to fuck with somebody who is in bed. If dude passed out on the ground, or even the couch, you can shit on his face for all I care, but he made it to his bed, leave him alone. I guess they did care about him enough to put sunglasses on him, so he didn't go blind from having pubes shot in his face.
Roethlisberger Won't Live in Sin
Shutdown Corner - We knew Ben Roethlisberger(notes) was getting married. Now we know the particulars.
The Pittsburgh Steelers quarterback spoke for the first time this week about his upcoming nuptials. In an interview with the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Roethlisberger confirmed that he's engaged to 26-year-old Ashley Harlan, whom he met during training camp in 2005.
"We were kind of on and off for five years -- almost six years now -- so I've known her for a while," Roethlisberger told the newspaper. "It's not like a random new person. We dated awhile ago; we have been friends ever since."
Roethlisberger and Harlan became engaged around Christmas, but the quarterback refused to talk about the subject during the Steelers' run to the Super Bowl. The 26-year-old works as a physician's assistant in the cardiac surgery department of a Pittsburgh hospital. She attended St. Francis College, where she played softball.
The two are scheduled to be married on July 23, one week before the scheduled start of training camp.
"I think a small part of her is hoping we hold out for a week so we can honeymoon," he said. "I told her I was laughing with coach [Mike] Tomlin; he said 'You guys might have to have the honeymoon suite at Saint Vincent.'" (Isn't he not supposed to be talking to coaches?)
Another revelation in the lengthy interview was that Roethlisberger won't live with Harlan until the wedding because of their religious beliefs. She still lives at home with her parents in nearby Newcastle.
Yawn...Bulls Dominate Celtics
The Bulls just dominated the Celtics last night 97 - 81, and frankly, I'm not surprised. And why should I be? The Bulls have proven that they are the best basketball team in the Eastern Conference (if not the entire NBA) this regular season and the best team in the East should be able to win games easily at home.
Cell Phones and Back-Flips in Amateur Soccer
Two bizarre soccer clips for the price of one today. First off, we got this guy just taking a cell phone call while playing defense. He had to be expecting this call, right? And what was so fucking urgent that he had the coach answer the phone and call him off the field to take the call. I seriously have no clue what it could be. It would have to be something both expected and super urgent, so maybe you just sit out the game, its not like you play for Manchester United.
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Lebron's Mom Is Out of Control
Yahoo Sports - The mother of Miami Heat basketball star LeBron James(notes) was arrested by Miami Beach police after she reportedly assaulted a valet worker because it was taking too long to have her car delivered.
Police said Gloria James had a strong odor of alcohol on her breath and her eyes were bloodshot when officers arrived at the hotel about 4:47 a.m. Thursday.
Gloria James was taken to the Miami Beach Police Department, where she was issued a Promise to Appear on charges of simple battery and disorderly conduct. A police report says she was released to Miami Heat executive Steve Stowe.
Gloria James pleaded no contest to DUI and other charges in 2006.
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
The Carlos Quentin Saves the Day
No Dunn, no pitching, no defense, no problem. Carlos Quentin aka Quper Man aka TCQ aka The Carlos Quentin saves the day. He went 4 for 6, with a home run in the 8th, a 2 run double to take the lead in the ninth, and a double that led to him scoring the winning run in the 12th. TCQ was AL Player of the Week last week, and it looks like he wants to run it back this week.
Catfight at Brewers Home Opener
Nothing like a little catfight to start of the baseball season. I guess this is what happens when people tailgate before baseball games like they are football games. Nobody likes to tailgate like people in Wisconsin. They just love to drink beer and eat cheese outside and god loves them for it. I'm sure there are two guys doing a keg stand in a parking lot, next to a little league baseball practice in Waukesha right now.
Creepy Girls Sing About Derrick Rose
Ha, and you thought all videos about NBA players had to be set to rap music. Don't you feel foolish now? Lexy and Stephany just sang a beautiful/terrible song about Derrick Rose being awesome and wining the MVP and they just shattered all preconceived notions on what a YouTube NBA video should be like.
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Jereme Richmond Declares for NBA Draft
ChicagoBreakingSports - Back in January, amid rumors that he was considering a transfer, Illinois freshman Jereme Richmond proclaimed himself, “an Illini for life.”
It turns out he meant until April.
On Tuesday, Illinois announced that Richmond, who committed to the program prior to his freshman year of high school, will declare for the 2011 NBA Draft and will not return to Illinois.
“I enjoyed my time at the University of Illinois and would like to thank the coaching staff and my teammates for everything they've done for me,” Richmond said in a statement released by the school. “At this time, I'm ready to follow my dreams and achieve my life-long goal of playing in the NBA.”
You Deserve This If You Propose at a Baseball Game
Proposing at a baseball game is a dick move. It's cheesy as hell and everybody is looking at the girl, so if she says "no", she looks like a super bitch. So if you do propose to someone at a baseball game, you totally deserve to have a guy fellate a churro right behind you, during your 15 seconds of fame.
"One Shining Moment" Sucks
I don't really understand why people love the "One Shining Moment" montage so much. Am I the only one who thinks it is cheesy as hell? Do people just like it because it is a tradition? That must be it, because if this was a brand new YouTube video and nobody ever heard of "One Shining Moment", this thing would get like 12 hits. It blows.
Why Do People Like College Basketball More Than the NBA?
How about that game last night? Oh yeah, it was terrible. UCONN beat Butler 53-41 in what was an abortion of a National Championship game. I was waiting for the media to talk about how it was a great defensive struggle, but shockingly they just said the game was terrible. It's about time. In fact most college basketball games are terrible. Don't get me wrong I watch some college basketball (Illini games, and the NCAA Tournament), but it just kind of sucks.
Monday, April 4, 2011
My Ass, Madden 12 Will Be a Concussion Teaching Tool
ProFootballTalk - This year’s version of the Madden video game will place a new emphasis on concussions, with any player suffering a concussion being sidelined for the rest of the game, and the game announcers (Gus Johnson and Cris Collinsworth) explaining the seriousness of head injuries.
John Madden says he approves of those changes to the game that bears his name.
“Concussions are such a big thing, it has to be a big thing in the video game,” Madden told the New York Times. “It starts young kids — they start in video games. I think the osmosis is if you get a concussion, that’s a serious thing and you shouldn’t play. Or leading with the head that you want to eliminate. We want that message to be strong.”
Derrick Rose Invited James Johnson to a Block Party
Get that weak shit out of here! And that is exactly why the Bulls gave up on James Johnson in less than 2 years. He has no basketball IQ, what so ever. You have to give that ball up there on the 2 on 1 break. Especially when the other guy on the break is Demar Derozan, the man who would have won the dunk contest this year, if it wasn't a prop-dunk contest.
Oh yeah, the Bulls just keep rolling along. Up 2.5 on the Heat for the 1 seed, with 6 games left.
Friday, April 1, 2011
ChicagBro of the Week: Adam Dunn
P.S. - I don's miss Mark Kotsay at all.
White Sox and Cubs Opening Day Lineups
Opening Day is here in Chicago and we get to see what White Sox and Cubs lineups are actually going to look like this year.
White Sox Opening Day Lineup
1. Juan Pierre, LF
2. Gordon Beckham, 2B
3. Adam Dunn, DH
4. Paul Konerko, 1B
5. Alex Rios, CF
6. Carlos Quentin, RF
7. A.J. Pierzynski, C
8. Alexei Ramirez, SS
9. Brent Morel, 3B
White Sox Opening Day Lineup
1. Juan Pierre, LF
2. Gordon Beckham, 2B
3. Adam Dunn, DH
4. Paul Konerko, 1B
5. Alex Rios, CF
6. Carlos Quentin, RF
7. A.J. Pierzynski, C
8. Alexei Ramirez, SS
9. Brent Morel, 3B
That Kid From YouTube Won the College Dunk Contest
Jacob Tucker (that kid from YouTube) from Illinois College won the NCAA Slam Dunk contest. Normally this would be shocking, but this really couldn't be less of surprise. I mean he is 5'10" and has a 50" vertical, and we have all seen him dunk, there was no way he was gonna lose. As soon as he was invited to this contest, it was inevitable that he would win. But I don't really get why he was in it at all.
Thursday, March 31, 2011
John Wall Doesn't Scare Me
That may have been the weakest punch I have ever seen a professional athlete throw. I would let John Wall punch me in the ribs right now, I don't even know if I would get a bruise. John Wall just skyrocketed up the list of NBA players I would fight if my life depended on it.
Bill Laimbeer Is Still a Dick
ESPNChicago - Bill Laimbeer wasn't much of a fan of the last Chicago Bull to win MVP, and he doesn't appear too enamored with the franchise's current contender for the award, Derrick Rose.
The former Detroit Pistons center and current Minnesota Timberwolves assistant coach didn't care to make comparisons between Rose and five-time MVP Michael Jordan, but offered up one criticism of Rose.
"I wouldn't compare them because I don't really care about either of them," Laimbeer said Wednesday on "The Waddle & Silvy Show" on ESPN 1000. "One is a point guard and one is a shooting guard. They are two completely different positions. Derrick Rose has a lot to learn also as far as getting his teammates more involved. He takes the ball a lot himself these days. But he's a very aggressive player, he's fast, he's strong and he has the great skillset to be very successful. To compare the two would be a stretch at this point."
What's Going on With Bruce Weber and Oklahoma?
Chicago Sun-Times - The Norman (Okla.) Transcript, citing a “well-placed” source, said Illinois coach Bruce Weber has emerged as a viable candidate to become the next coach at Oklahoma, saying there appears to be mutual interest.
Weber, who has been at Illinois the last eight seasons, appears to have some reasons to find Oklahoma attractive, the paper said.Earlier this season, athletic director Ron Guenther issued a statement supporting Weber’s future at Illinois when it looked like it might miss the NCAA tournament for the third time in four years.
Illinois must replace four senior starters next season.
The source said another factor that could make OU attractive to Weber is that Guenther’s contract expires at the end of June. If it’s not renewed, the paper said Weber’s seat could get hot under a new athletic director.
Asik and Destroy: Bulls win 108-91
Like I said after the Bulls lost to the Sixers, you didn't want to be the Timberwolves on Wednesday night. The Bulls did not start the game slow like they had the last few games and dominated the crappy T-Wolves 108-91. It was nice to see the Bulls bounce back, but not really that impressive considering that I'm pretty sure the Bulls "Bench Mob" (the nickname given to the bench players by CJ Watson) could have beat the T-Wolves by 10 by themselves.
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
The Worst Drunk Dial Ever
Come on Ryan, you've got to give lady Dominic here a shot. I mean, you both love yo-yo's, she has a good job at either EBAY or Jamba Juice and on top of that, she sounds totally sane.
I hope this starts a new trend of drunk dials being posted on the internet. Forget texts from last night, drunk dials from last night is where it is at. You know what, why stop there. FaceTimes from last night is the future and we need to make that happen with the quickness.
Cleveland Beats the Heat and Lebron is a Punk...Again
The Cavs beat the Heat and Lebron James last night 102-90. Does this make everything better for the fans in Cleveland? No, but I guarantee they feel good right now. The Cavs won their 15th game of the season, in a game that they controlled from beginning to end. Lebron had a triple double, but that won't matter, because everyone will remember how he acted like a bitch...again.
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
2011 White Sox Season Preview: All In
According to the White Sox they are "all in" this year, but what does that really mean? They increased their payroll by $20 million and signed Adam Dunn in the offseason. Does it mean if they don't win they are going to blow the team up? I'm not sure, and I don't know if anyone is sure, but one thing I do know, is that they have built a team that is ready to contend for a AL Central title.
2011 Cubs Season Preview: Year 2
Last year was a tough year for the Cubs and I don't think their fans are too optimistic about the upcoming season either. But I think they should be. Not in the, "This is our year" type of way, but in the fact that they should be competitive in their division and it looks like they are beginning to successfully transition into the next iteration of their team.
It turns out the Bulls can lose
The Bulls started a game slow again last night and it cost them this time, as they fell to the Sixers 97 - 85. They came out completely flat and were down 27 - 13 after the first quarter, then pulled the game to within three points at the end of the third quarter, but never were able to grab the lead.
Monday, March 28, 2011
So, how is your bracket doing?
Well, that is my bracket up above, and that is a lot of red. You would think that is just a disaster of a bracket, yet somehow I'm in the top 20% of all brackets on I guess that's what happens in a year in which only 2 of 5.9 million people picked the Final Four right in the ESPN Bracket Challenge. I'm also assuming the two people who made those picks don't really know much about college basketball and have some affiliation with VCU. Why else would they pick them to go to the Final Four?
So now your bracket is fucked this year, and there is a boring VCU vs. Butler national semi-final. But on the bright side, next year's NCAA tourney pools are going to be ripe for the picking. Everybody is going to be sending crazy teams to the Final Four because it happened this year, and they are going to be screwing their brackets before the games start. Remember that this is abnormal, and there is a reason teams get 11 and 8 seeds. So next year, just forget about this year and stick with your normal draft strategy and cash some checks.
The Derrick Rose angry face is here
4:09 Derrick Rose makes free throw 2 of 2 81-83
3:36 Carlos Boozer makes layup (Derrick Rose assists) 83-83
2:50 83-87 Brandon Jennings shooting foul (Derrick Rose draws the foul)
2:50 Derrick Rose makes free throw 1 of 2 84-87
2:50 Derrick Rose makes free throw 2 of 2 85-87
2:28 Joakim Noah makes dunk (Derrick Rose assists) 87-87
1:53 Derrick Rose makes layup 89-87
1:07 Derrick Rose makes 13-foot jumper 91-87
0:42 Derrick Rose makes 14-foot jumper 93-87
0:29 Ronnie Brewer makes layup (Derrick Rose assists) 95-87
0:00 End of the 4th Quarter
0:00 End Game
Only thing that play-by-play is missing is the Rose angry-face. Makes every highlight seem a bit better.
The face and the game are serious. Even post-game in the locker room (featuring a gum-chewing KC Johnson), Rose isn't satisfied (while dropping some profanity!) in saying 'we didn't do shit yet', referencing his previous two first-round losses in the playoffs.
No doubt with the #1 seed and a gimme first-round matchup, those specific demons will be exorcised eventually. But unlikely that will leave Rose satisfied either.
It's still humility, but so very not humble-bot. And that difference is ultimately sideshow, anyway. The game Rose displayed (and drive to execute it) was positively Wade-ian, the version that won the NBA title.
Friday, March 25, 2011
ChicagBro of the Week: Derrick Williams
So this was pretty easy. When you go HAM and single-handedly knock the the Duke White...err Blue Devils out of the tournament, you get to be the ChicagBro of the Week, no matter where you are from. Especially if you kind of look like Humpty Hump, without glasses.
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