Thursday, March 31, 2011

John Wall Doesn't Scare Me

That may have been the weakest punch I have ever seen a professional athlete throw.  I would let John Wall punch me in the ribs right now, I don't even know if I would get a bruise.  John Wall just skyrocketed up the list of NBA players I would fight if my life depended on it.

That's right, I have a list of NBA players I would fight if my life depended on it.  I'm not tough at all, so it goes strictly by who I think I could possibly beat up (or who would hurt me the least), in a theoretical situation where my life depended on fighting an NBA player.  Here was my top 3.

1. Earl Boykins - I mean he is 5'5" and weighs 135 pounds, he has to be my first choice.

2. Luke Ridnour - He is roughly the same size as me, and just doesn't look tough at all.

3. Sasha Vujacic - I'm pretty sure there isn't a bigger pussy in the NBA than Sasha Vujacic, so he has to make the list.

After seeing this John Wall punch, I'm pretty sure he jumps over Vujacic as my new number three.  That and the fact that I just learned Sasha was 6'7".  He might be a pussy, but that is not a good match up for me.

So here is my updated list of NBA players I would fight if my life depended on it.
1. Earl Boykins
2. Luke Ridnour
3. John Wall
4. Sasha Vujacic


  1. One dude I would not fight is Andrew Bynum, dude is 7'0" 285

  2. Agreed, but at least he has a week spot. He has the knees of an 80 year old man.
