Thursday, April 14, 2011

Good News and Bad News

Good news everybody, I got a real job.  Bad news too, I got a real job.  Which mean I'm not going to be able to spend most of my day dicking around on the internet and trying to find stuff to post on the blog.  It sucks, but unless this blog starts paying bills, it's the way it has to be.

But don't worry because ChicagBro Sports ain't going anywhere.  It might be a little different, but it's not going anywhere.  Will there be less posts during the week?  Yes.  But, will there be more posts at night and on the weekends?  Yes.

So keep checking out the blog and if you want updates on when new stuff gets posted you can follow me on twitter @ChicagBroSteve or "like" ChicagBro Sports on Facebook and get all the updates.  Thanks for your support so far, let's see where this thing goes.

P.S. - If you have any tips or if you feel like you might want to write some blog posts (especially if you are a Cubs or Blackhawks fan , since I'm not) email me at

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